Thursday, March 1, 2012

ITMPI's PMO Case Study competition

This article/case study writted a while ago was awarded the third place in PMO Case Study Competition by the IT Institute of Metrics and Productivity (ITPMI): in November 2011.
I feel that such competitions promote best practices and help us think through previous experience. And even it I did not win an iPad (this time), I embraced the opportunity to remember good old days and look at this time from a distance. And as you know, bigger things are better seen from a distance.

As I stated in the note to the linked article, the "ABC company is a product of fiction. Any resemblance of an actual company is not intentional. Opinions expressed by the author are subjective and do not represent anyone else’s point of view. " This is still my point. However, if you think you recognize yourself or some familiar behaviors in this case study or if you have ideas for adding bricks to my "successful PMO" image in the end of the article, I will be glad to hear from you.

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